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Q & A

We have developed supernatural cosmetics and provide beauty consultation based on the idea of natural healing power.

We have developed supernatural cosmetics based on the idea of natural healing power. We treat our customers with the awareness and recognition that we are beauty consultants who can give them true health and skin beauty, as well as spiritual enrichment.

We want our clients to understand the natural healing power and the best beauty and self-cleaning properties of the human body, so that they can achieve genuine beauty, youth, health and happiness.

What is a "positive reaction"?

 Although not all users will experience this reaction, some people with toxins in their skin may experience temporary cracking, itching, burning, swelling, heat, darkening, wrinkling, or red patches after using Bare Skin 100-P.

This is due to the accumulation of toxins in the body caused by stress, overeating, lack of exercise, ultraviolet rays, cosmetics, additives, and side effects of medications. Although not directly related to the skin, cold and diarrhea are also a type of cleansing action that cleanses the body. In nature, when it rains or a cold blows, it can be thought of as a standby cleansing action.

 Heat and pain are effective purifiers for the human body, playing an important role in promoting purification. Heat and pain are effective purifiers for the human body that play an important role in promoting purification.

 Therefore, just like catching a cold, your skin is also cleansed by cracking and red patches.

A "turnaround reaction" occurs.

Switching from other cosmetics to Bare Skin 100-P may cause a reaction.

The symptoms may vary from person to person, but the skin will become cracked, pocked, red, or worse as the unhealthy causes and wastes that have been stored in the skin are expelled.

However, this is a manifestation of the self-purifying healing ability within you. This is a sign that your skin is undergoing a healthy recovery and rejuvenation process.

The duration of the positive reaction varies from person to person. For some, it may last up to a month, while for others, it may last up to three months. The reason for the difference in duration is that there are many unhealthy causes that have been stored in the body, and it takes time to get them all out.

It may take a little patience, but when the positive reactions subside, your skin will be reborn with the beauty and fineness of your childhood.

Q1: Why are these products called "natural cosmetics" or "supernatural cosmetics"?


Sobabeauty Cosmetics (Sobabeauty 100-P) was developed by the Japan Natural Healing Power Research Association, a non-profit organization, over a period of eight years based on the concept of natural healing power. It is the first ultimate natural cosmetic product that was born as a result of thorough research and development of supernatural cosmetics that can be used safely by everyone from babies to the elderly.


Therefore, Sohada Bi 100-P is designed to be an ultra-natural cosmetic product.

A1-2: Therefore, Bare Skin Beauty Cosmetics (Bare Skin Beauty 100-P) is a genuine natural cosmetics product that has been developed on the premise of not using petroleum-based raw materials, parabens, or any other antioxidants (preservatives), or any other additives, no matter how small the amount.

It is a genuine natural cosmetic product.


Another reason why Sobabeauty 100-P is called an ultra-natural cosmetic is because the characteristics of Sobabeauty 100-P are the same as those of Sobabeauty 100-P. Another reason why Bare Skin Beauty 100-P is called a supernatural cosmetic is that it is tasteless, odorless, colorless, transparent, and in the experience of many customers and us, safe even if it accidentally gets into the eyes. In our experience and that of many of our customers, it is safe even if you accidentally get it in your eyes. It is so safe that it can be used for babies' scratches, sores, and rashes.

My skin is flaky and peeling, is it not suitable for my skin?

There is no such thing as unsuitable skin for our customers. In fact, it is basically a good thing because it is the best evidence that your metabolism has become more active.

But don't worry, the dead skin cells will be removed and new, beautiful skin will be regenerated from underneath.

My skin has become flaky. Is it okay to continue?

Please wash your face at least three times in the morning and evening. When your skin is scaly, it may hurt a little, but the more it hurts, the more metabolism is promoted. After washing your face, apply Bare Skin 100-P as usual, then splash water on your face as if you were washing your face, and it should go away in a few days, but if the scaling persists for days without pain, try washing your face with enzyme powder (use 2-3 times a week).

If the flakiness persists for a few days and is not painful, try washing your face with enzyme powder (use 2-3 times a week), which contains concentrated and powerful natural enzymes as its main ingredient, and is especially effective for customers who want to become whiter. Please give it a try. If the pain is severe, stop for a few days and see how it goes.

Q1-3: Why does my skin feel scaly and sore?

When you wash your face, it may hurt depending on the condition of your skin at that time. Basically, there is nothing to worry about, but it will accelerate the cleansing process (favorable reaction), so please stop washing your face temporarily until the pain disappears.

If you have black spots or blemishes, it is important to wash your face more often once in a while, just to avoid a little pain. The pain will stimulate your metabolism, making it easier to remove black spots and blemishes. However, if it is painful, your face may turn red or swell up temporarily, but this is because the pain stimulates blood circulation.

Q1-4: Why does the scaling get so bad?

There are many causes, such as before catching a cold, lack of sleep, stress, overeating, eating meat, before menstruation, change of seasons, changing cosmetics, etc. It usually goes away in about 2 to 6 days.

However, if you have been using medicated cosmetics for a long time, especially steroids (adrenal cortical hormones) and other hormone-based cosmetics without knowing it, you may experience scaling, red patches, and swelling for a long time after you stop using them. If you use such hormone-based cosmetics, your skin will look beautiful and white at first, but after a long period of time, most people will develop blemishes. However, after a long period of use, most people will develop blemishes. This is because the steroids extracted from the adrenal glands are used to suppress inflammation and scaling, and at the same time, the adrenal glands stop working, and the chemically synthesized steroids become a drug poison that is blown out in many cases.

If you continue to use them, you will get spots, dark circles, fine lines and wrinkles, and eczema. However, once the toxins are removed, the skin will return to its original condition, but the process of eczema is very difficult. Even if it's not eczema, but just cracked skin that lasts a little longer, it will get better once the purification process is over. Good luck!

Q1-5. Why is scabby skin good for my skin?

Scaling and red eczema are "skin rashes". We offer beauty consultations based on the idea of natural healing power. A cold is our body's cleansing process. By catching a cold, the body cleanses itself and purifies the toxins in the blood and other bodily fluids, making the body healthy and easy to handle. This is exactly how it works. A flaky skin is the "cold" of the skin.

The reason why we catch a cold is because... When you are worried or angry, your blood becomes cloudy. Binge drinking, inactivity, stress, pesticides, food additives, etc. can also cloud the blood and body fluids. This causes toxins to stagnate in many places in the body. When this happens, it can lead to liver and kidney damage, lifestyle-related diseases, chronic diseases, and other serious illnesses. This is a very unhealthy condition for the body. The action of restoring this unhealthy state to health is called the natural cleansing action.

When a person catches a cold, a fever is generated, and the fever has various beneficial effects on the human body. For one thing, it causes perspiration. Sweat soaks our underwear, and we usually sweat as much as 200cc during a night's sleep. We usually sweat as much as 200cc during a night's sleep, but it doesn't make our skin sticky. If your underwear gets wet, it means that you are sweating a lot. You may smell a foul odor, but this is a sign that the toxins in your body have been released with the sweat.

When you have a fever, your pulse speeds up, which means that blood is flowing to the liver and kidneys to break down and detoxify toxins. In the process of dissolving toxins, the nerves are stimulated and pain is felt, but the pain itself is a stimulus that accelerates the cleansing process. The heat and pain stimulate the white blood cells to work actively. For example, the macrophages, the largest of the white blood cells, double and triple in size, increasing their fighting power to eat up toxins and other unwanted substances in the blood and body fluids, and the number of white blood cells explodes due to heat and pain. Heat and pain have a wonderful cleansing effect on the human body brought about by Mother Nature, which is very important and essential for improving your constitution and health.

Your skin is clear and beautiful. Everyone has beautiful, young skin, but it's just hidden underneath dead skin cells due to wrong beauty treatments. When the metabolism is active, beautiful skin is born from underneath, but the dead skin cells cannot be removed and cover the skin, causing it to become dull and flaky. In such a case, just as a gardener comes in and uses a broom to make a messy garden look beautiful, you can wash your face 4 to 6 times with Bare Skin Beauty Soap (but not to the point of pain) and use enzyme powder to bring out smooth and clear skin. You can bring out the smoothness and clarity of your skin. The cracking and red patches are the skin's purifying action, and act like a "cold" to the skin.

You may feel a little tingling when washing your face, but it is nothing to worry about. This happens when the dirt is not completely removed, so try washing your face once or twice more. The small red patches should disappear and the scaling should go away.

However, if it hurts too much, it may be too irritating and cause more pimples and flakiness.

Q2: My skin is red, swollen and itchy, is it okay?

There are two possible causes for this to happen. One is a "favorable reaction". Basically, it is absolutely a good thing. Let's say that movement has started, or the cleansing process has begun, and you can regain your beautiful skin. The itchiness is an irritant that is causing a more favorable reaction.

Another cause is if you wash your face too infrequently or use it incorrectly. For example, if you do not wash your face often enough to remove all the dirt, and then apply Bare Skin 100-P on top of it, it will absorb the dirt with it, causing it to itch rapidly, which in turn will irritate your skin and make it red and swollen. Itching and swelling are rather common, but if it is not accompanied by pain, it is mostly due to not washing the face often enough. In most cases, this is because the person is unconsciously afraid of washing their face with soap, even though they think they are washing their face enough. Some of them are caused by the use of other manufacturers' favorite cleansing creams, or by the use of cleansing creams that do not remove dirt and grime because they do not wash the face often enough, or by the use of cleansing creams with a lot of additives.

In this case, it will go away in about a week at most, and you will be happy to see that your skin is whiter and more beautiful than before.

Q3: I have red pimples, should I stop using the product?

Pimples are almost always a sign of purification, so please refer to A1-4.

Q4: Doesn't the oil cause sunburn?

Sobabeauty 100-P is an oil, but unlike other oils on the market, it is not sticky when applied to the skin, and it is absorbed and absorbed quickly, so the skin surface is smooth. However, other oils remain on the skin and they form a lens that collects light and concentrates the UV rays. This irritates the skin and causes melanin pigments to be produced to protect it, resulting in sunburn. In addition, Bare Skin 100-P has the power to break down UV rays. The effect lasts for about two hours, so it is better to wash your face and reapply.

It also has a moisturizing effect, keeping the skin fresh and protected. As a result, melanin pigmentation does not occur, preventing skin problems such as sun spots and freckles. If you want to prevent further sunburn, you can apply water-soluble foundation or 2W foundation on top of it.

Why does it not cause sunburn?

Ordinary oils are irritating and damaging to the skin because they collect UV rays in one place like a lens. Even though it is an oil, Bare Skin 100-P is absorbed by the skin within two to three minutes, so it does not concentrate the UV rays, so there is no irritation and the skin is not damaged.

Since Bare Skin Beauty 100-P is absorbed into the skin and brings a moisturizing effect to the skin, the skin is in the best condition to alleviate the irritation of UV rays. The main ingredients in Bare Skin 100-P and Squalane have the ability to break down UV rays, thus preventing sunburn.

Q5-1: Why do I have spots?

Blemishes have increased 40-fold since the days when cosmetics were not used, and it is said that 80% of women over 30 now have blemishes. This means that the cosmetics we used to make our skin beautiful were dirt and foreign substances to our skin.

Skin is very susceptible to dirt, so it is only natural that if you use cosmetics that contain fragrances and colorants, which are chemical contaminants, your skin will be damaged, causing blemishes.

The same can be said about foods. First of all, if you only eat foods that contain a lot of additives and chemicals, it can cause liver and kidney diseases, and even cancer, which can lead to serious diseases.

When the skin is exposed to strong ultraviolet rays while its functions are weakened, melanin pigments are produced to protect and defend the skin. However, because the skin's functions are weakened, the melanin pigments are not removed by the normal 28-day turnover cycle and remain in the skin, becoming spots. In addition, we often hear people say that their spots have spread, but this is because the skin around the spots is unhealthy and weak, so the spots are concentrated in the same place.

Q5-2: Can the spots be removed?

(1) Most of the blemishes have been successfully removed. It is said that 80% of women in their 30s or older have blemishes, and even skin that looks beautiful at one time due to conventional cosmetics will be damaged and blemished over time. Blemished skin is dead. It is said that a blemish that took three years to form will take six years to disappear after cosmetics are removed, and a blemish that is five years old will take ten years to disappear.

However, with this beauty extract (Bare Skin 100-P) and our beauty method, many people's spots have disappeared in a short period of time, and they are very happy with the results.

(2) There are two types of blemishes: those that disappear and those that do not disappear or are difficult to remove. Stains that do not disappear are

(1) Moles, spots, scars, birthmarks, and other blemishes that originally existed since childhood. Some of them may disappear or improve, but it is considered rare.

If you have a blemish that has been there for a long time, you may need to use a cosmetic product.

 Blemishes caused by cosmetics that have been used for many years have a very high probability of disappearing. In addition, blemishes that have not been removed by various beauty treatments can be removed with skin care products.

 In the case of senile spots, the use of medication can increase the number of spots, but by combining exercise and other beauty treatments, the metabolism becomes more vigorous, the brain is rejuvenated, and the body and mind become healthier.

 This has been the experience of many of our customers who have used our skin care products and squalane cosmetics for nearly 40 years.

 For more details, please feel free to ask our staff.

Q5-3: Why do the blemishes disappear?

It is because it makes the skin healthy from the inside and promotes metabolism. Bare Skin Beauty 100-P and Bare Skin Beauty Soap play a major role in this process. Washing your face at least three times with Bare Skin Beauty Soap, which contains a lot of active ingredients, will help remove dirt and dead skin cells and stimulate metabolism. The natural skin care product 100-P is very energetic and revitalizes the skin from the inside, causing the dead skin cells to peel off. Therefore, blemishes are pushed to the surface and disappear.

Especially when the scaling starts, the metabolism is accelerated, and the skin becomes clean sooner. Since the skin of the blemish is dead, the surrounding skin will also be damaged and will age, becoming wrinkled and less transparent. However, if you follow this beauty method for about three months, you will notice that your skin condition will change and become more beautiful.

In addition, there are many cases in which red pimples and other pimples that appear on the spots have disappeared within a month or two, and the appearance of pimples on dead skin is evidence that the skin has been revived.

Q5-4: My blemishes are getting darker than before, what does that mean?

This is because the dead spots inside the skin have been metabolized by the Skin Beauty 100-P, and the old and bad keratin has been peeled off and the spots have been pushed up to the skin surface.

In addition, since the normal 28-day turnover cycle becomes more active, by washing the face three times or more with the special soap, "Bare Skin Beauty Soap," and using the beauty method of "Bare Skin Beauty 100-P," customers have said, "My skin has become much more beautiful," or "The spots are getting lighter every day," and some have even said, "It's like petals falling off a flower. Some customers have even said that the spots have peeled off like flower petals falling off, but this is not actually the case. However, this is not actually the case. Just like peeling off a sheet of thin paper one by one, the stain will gradually peel off one by one with the keratin until it disappears. It is difficult to say for sure because it varies from person to person, but many people have thanked me in the past.

Therefore, please feel free to use the product as the temporary darkening of the blemish area is a sign that the cells in the blemish area that were dead have started to move.

Q5-5: I don't see any scaling or red patches, but will the spots disappear?

Getting rid of scaly spots is very simple. If you increase the number of times you wash your face rapidly, your metabolism will become more active and the sensitive areas of your skin will start to tingle. Then, the area will quickly become flaky. In this way, scaling can occur automatically, but red patches can occur when there are toxins in the skin, but they cannot occur automatically.

The skin in the area of the blemish is normally dead, so even if you take a sauna, the blemished area will not sweat. The appearance of red patches and pus is a sign that the skin is coming back to life, and the blemished skin will start to show results in a short period of time.

However, even if the red spots do not appear, washing your face at least three times with Sobabeauty Soap and using Sobabeauty 100-Pn will keep your skin's metabolism active enough, so please be patient and use it every day. Many people have told us that their blemishes have been removed, and that they are getting lighter day by day.

Q5-6: Is it okay if I start to feel pain?

Pain itself is a valid cause for human beings, although it can be described as a burning or tingling sensation. For example, if you wash your face too much, the pain may vary from person to person, but if you are not used to washing your face with soap, your skin will get used to it and become more beautiful, strong, and elastic as you wash your face more often. In addition, increasing the number of times you wash your face will increase the secretion of the skin, and the pain will increase the turnover of the skin, which helps with sebum secretion. For example, if you cut your hand, it will be very painful, but if you had a normal turnover, it would take 28 days or more for the wound to close. This is because the pain improves the circulation in the wounded area, activates the white blood cells to promote cell division, and stimulates various healing forces to heal the affected area. Therefore, pain itself is nothing to worry about. In fact, it is something to be happy about. The purpose of the procedure is to remove old (bad) keratin and make the skin healthy and beautiful from the inside, so there is no need to worry about a little pain.

However, if you feel pain, the pain alone is enough to stimulate your metabolism, so until the pain subsides, there is no need for further stimulation.

Q6. My skin feels tight. Is the amount of oil too little?

Washing your face with soap is best for your skin, but if you are not used to washing your face with soap, it may feel tight temporarily (for a few days). The tightness usually goes away after about 3 days, but it may last up to a week depending on the condition of your skin. However, there is nothing to worry about. However, there is nothing to worry about and your skin will be much better. It may be painful, but having a truly healthy and beautiful skin will prevent major problems in the future, such as spots, wrinkles, and aging.

If you are not used to washing your face with soap, or if your skin has been damaged by cosmetics and is sickly (you think you have fair skin). In addition, if the cosmetics contain steroidal or non-steroidal hormones, it may be fine for 5 to 10 years (depending on the individual), but after that, it will be difficult to get rid of spots and other problems.

Q7: It says "additive-free," but doesn't it spoil?

Sobabeauty 100-Pn is made from materials with great vitality, and each of the beauty extracts has been refined to be tasteless, odorless, colorless, transparent, and saturated.

However, if the product is exposed to direct sunlight, it will not cause any harm, but it will start to smell bad.

Q8: What is the difference between the additive-free cosmetics of other manufacturers?

According to the results of our research, the beauty extracts extracted from the skin to protect our skin are made up of six main ingredients, each of which is refined to be tasteless, odorless, colorless, and transparent.

Therefore, if it oxidizes in a few days, it means that the product is either a nourishing cream, a moisturizing product, or a combination of the two, but in any case, it is clear that it is not a cosmetic product that pursues sebum.

Q9. Is it safe to use with cosmetics from other manufacturers?

Please do not use basic cosmetics together. The reason is that skin care products are a "beauty method based on the concept of natural healing power" that utilizes sebum, the best beauty extract for bare skin, to bring out the best of bare skin's natural beauty, which is fundamentally different from other natural cosmetics currently in use. Currently, there are many natural cosmetics, but in most cases, natural cosmetics are even scarier than petroleum-based cosmetics, and there have been many cases of damage. For example, those containing adrenal corticosteroids, which easily suppress red patches and itching, have strong side effects and drug damage. Even if they are natural, bleaching agents, dyes, deodorants, fragrances, preservatives, and other natural ingredients may not be suitable for the skin and may be foreign or medicinal, and even if they are good for a while, they may cause problems such as spots and wrinkles.

However, it is ideal for your skin to use our company's products for makeup, but you can switch to our products as soon as you finish using the ones you are currently using.

Q10. Is it safe to use if I have allergies?

There are two types of allergies.

If it is caused by external factors, you can easily get a beautiful skin by using Bare Skin Beauty 100-Pn.

The second is endogenous. If you stop the toxins in your body, it may cause asthma in children or internal organs, so stopping it is not a good idea. Since Sobabeauty 100-Pn has the power to accelerate the cleansing action, itching may increase and pimples may increase. Normally, once the toxins are removed, the skin is cleaned up and becomes more beautiful than before, but of course, everyone hates to remove them too quickly. I think the first thing to do is to improve your diet and skin.

The first thing to do is to be careful not to overeat. Stop eating meat, eggs, and milk, which are the top three causes of cancer. This is because the additives in these foods are too harmful. For example, growth hormones are used to make the meat grow faster and bigger (to commercialize it), female hormones are added to the bait to make the meat more expensive for shimofuri, which can easily cause medical conditions similar to doping, and antibiotics are used because those diseases must be prevented, and they are contained in the meat, eggs, and milk. This is because the doping effect is indirectly manifested in humans, as in the case of the former Soviet Olympian who died, and it contaminates the blood and deteriorates the constitution.

Meat is also very scary for living organisms because of the pesticides and medicines used to make it smell and look better. We also need to be very careful not to eat the three white sugars. For example, white sugar, cakes, ice cream, chocolates, snacks, and other sweet confections should be avoided.

What are food additives?

In Japan, food additives are divided into two categories: chemically synthesized products and natural products. In Japan, the use of synthetic additives is limited to those approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and there are 347 items. Of course, they are approved and used in limited amounts and in limited foods (colorants, flavorings, preservatives, disinfectants, antioxidants, sweeteners).

Recent studies have shown that toxicity occurs when several additives are used together, even if each one is within the standard. In recent years, researchers at the Japanese Society for Food Hygiene, who conducted research and experiments on rats, have stated that it is necessary to reduce the use standards to at least one-third of the current levels. This is a synergistic effect in food additives.

Q11-1. Please tell me about acne.

Acne is a pimple that tends to form during adolescence and young adulthood. It is said that the skin is a mirror of the internal organs, and most people will suffer from this skin problem at least once in their lives.

Acne tends to form in areas where sebaceous glands secrete a lot of oil, especially on the forehead and cheeks of the face, and sometimes around the mouth. From the perspective of modern medicine, even acne is a serious medical problem.

However, from the standpoint of natural healing power, it is a cleansing process and there is always a cause for acne. It is an outpouring of toxins and excess fat. Therefore, you need to know the proper treatment. Using the wrong diet and cosmetics that contain fragrances and preservatives can worsen the progression of acne and lead to skin problems such as blemishes and fine lines.

The important thing is to enhance the skin's natural healing power and promote its purifying action. For this purpose, skin care products are used. In order to protect the skin, there are extracts that are naturally produced in the body and extracted into the skin. The most effective cosmetic product (beauty oil) that comes as close as possible to this extract is Bare Skin 100-Pn. Sobabeauty 100-Pn is a highly permeable substance that quickly penetrates the skin and promotes the recovery of skin functions.

Causes of acne


Petroleum-based cosmetics

2. Additives

3. non-natural substances

4. foreign substance


1. inflammation

2. scaling, acne

3. blemishes, fine wrinkles, etc.

Q11-2: What should I do to prevent acne?

The basic thing to get rid of pimples is to wash your face. Washing your face frequently with Bare Skin Beauty Soap and keeping your skin clean is the first step to beautiful and healthy skin. Basically, you should wash your face three times a day. Repeat it at least three times a day. Wash your face with "enzyme powder" twice a week to remove dead skin cells. This is effective in preventing acne.

Also, it is important to learn how to wash your face before washing it. The key is to lather well. Take some enzyme powder in the palm of your hand, add water, and lather it well before washing your face. Never lather it on your face. It may damage your skin. Rubbing hard does not necessarily remove dirt. A strong stimulus will activate the natural cleansing process, which will temporarily increase the size of the pimple. If you use ointments, medicated cosmetics, or hormone-based cosmetics to suppress inflammation and itching, your acne will temporarily disappear and your skin will look beautiful. However, when used for a long period of time, the steroid and non-steroid hormones become toxins, and as a side effect, the face becomes red and swollen, sprays blood, and in some cases, the cleansing continues for three or six months. In some cases, the cleansing process lasts for three to six months. It can also result in skin aging, such as spots and dark spots.

Acne is also a manifestation of the purifying effect, so if you suppress the purifying effect by using drugs, it will not be good for the skin or the body. First of all, it is essential to keep the skin itself clean, improve the diet, and cure it fundamentally.

Q11-3. Please tell me about the relationship between constipation and acne.

Constipation is a major enemy of acne. The skin is an important excretory organ. If the stool is not excreted smoothly, the skin will try to excrete toxins, which will promote acne and worsen the inflammation of acne. In other words, the body tries to excrete toxins by excretion, and if this function is not carried out smoothly, toxins accumulate in the body and become the source of serious diseases.

There must be a cause for constipation. In most cases, it comes from your diet. In order to maintain a truly healthy body, to avoid aggravating your constitution and getting sick, and to completely heal your acne-prone skin, you need to improve your diet. The first thing to do is to stop eating animal proteins such as meat, eggs, and milk, which are the three best sources of cancer incidence. These additives are too harmful. Even milk, which is said to be good for beauty and constipation, uses growth hormones and antibiotics to grow cows faster and bigger. Milk from such cows can be described as pesticide juice.

In addition, Japanese people, who have not eaten meat for many years, have longer intestines than Westerners, which makes it an extra step to move stool, causing excretion problems and filling the body with wastes, which can easily lead to constipation. However, the use of laxatives unnecessarily is not a fundamental solution. Even if the laxative cures constipation at the time, if it becomes a habit, it will lower our body's natural healing power and we will not be able to excrete without the laxative. This will result in the excretion of nutrients that should be absorbed. In fact, the laxatives taken due to constipation are more harmful to your health than the constipation itself. Medication is definitely not good. Instead, a regular lifestyle, moderate exercise, and drinking water in the morning before getting up are the best ways to cure constipation. Also, eating high-fiber vegetables is good for your body and skin. Creating and maintaining a truly healthy body is the only way to create and maintain true skin beauty.

Q12-1: Why do I need to wash my face?

Washing your face is one of the most important factors in creating beautiful skin.

One of the possible week points of the skin is "dirt". The skin has great functions, but when it gets dirty, the sweat glands get clogged, the pores get blocked, and the functions get weakened. When ultraviolet rays, strong direct sunlight or heat from the heater are applied to the weakened skin, the sweat glands become clogged and it becomes difficult to perspire. Thus, the skin becomes dry and damaged. This is why leaving your skin dirty can quickly cause skin irritation and problems.

For this reason, it is very important to keep your skin clean. Wash your face with Sobabeauty Soap (or use Sobabeauty Cleansing when using makeup) to keep your skin clean.

Q12-2: Why do I need to wash my face more often for itching and pain?

After washing your face once or twice, you may experience burning (itching) or red patches on your skin. This is because blood circulation is improved by washing the face, and the nerves become hypersensitive, and dirt under the skin floats to the surface. There is nothing to worry about. It is a sign that the skin is working normally.

The best way to stop the pain is to temporarily stop washing your face and use it while monitoring the situation. By the time the pain subsides, your skin will be stronger and more elastic, and you should be able to gradually increase the frequency of cleansing and wash your face more often than before. This does not mean that you should unnecessarily increase the number of times you wash your face while in pain. If you experience pain, it is important to monitor the situation and adjust the amount of the product you use according to the condition of your skin by temporarily stopping or reducing the number of times you wash your face. Even if the pain remains, try to be patient and do your best, because just as cold fever and pain are very effective in the progress of cleansing, skin pain is also medicine to improve metabolism and revive old keratin into new, beautiful skin.

If the red patches become infected for a few days after washing your face a few more times (5-6 times in total), please stop using Skin Care 100-Pn. If you have toxins under the skin or in your constitution, the toxins may break out in red patches. If you have subcutaneous or constitutional toxins, they may appear as red patches on your skin. It is better for your skin if the toxins are blown out, but if you are worried about them, please take a break or reduce the amount until they go away.

Also, the percentage of Bare Skin 100-Pn in the skin is around 7%. If you apply too much of the high-purity product too quickly, the purifying effect will become very active, and your skin may temporarily turn red like an adolescent's skin.