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JNS/JNH 神秘なる人体は

Your genes have lived and evolved for 4 billion years without ever dying out. Therefore, your genetic age is 4 billion years old!

You are a hero who has evolved by overcoming an unbelievably long and harsh environment, converting those experiences into lessons, and recording them in your genes. That is your genes, and that is you.

You created the galaxy and the solar system, and you created the earth and its diversity of life forms. The universe is filled with wisdom and the consciousness (vibrational energy) of all creation.

We can now utilize its potential to create beauty, health and happiness. Scientific discoveries have provided us with almost perfect evidence.

Your genes make your body, and everything you have experienced and mastered is stored in your genes. Your ability to create beauty, wisdom, survival, resilience, health restoration, rejuvenation, and happiness is your strength. It has been discovered that hyper-mutation (hyper-mutation), which exceeds mutation at the gene level, occurs in our daily lives.

What is more, scientific discoveries have made it clear that you can live to be 120 years younger. It is that anyone who is healthy enough has the ability to live to be 120 years old. It has also been discovered at the genetic level that even after 100 years of age, people can still enjoy flying, jumping, and traveling abroad.

Seminar for Gunma Prefectural Assembly Members: Theme: "Health Promotion Measures to Extend Healthy Life Expectancy

Perfect Health and Rejuvenation Capability

Perfect health and rejuvenation, "I can't think like that". You may be thinking, "I can't think like that. But please listen to us first. Based on our 60 years of research and promotion of the theory of true healing medicine (natural healing medicine) and our many experiences, we have seriously considered and practiced the creation of perfect health. As a result, we have been able to clearly prove "the ability to rejuvenate perfect health" through scientific discoveries in various fields, including quantum mechanics. It is a brilliant scientific discovery of the ability of the human body (living organism) to restore health, rejuvenate, and create happiness far beyond creation. Therefore, I would like to summarize a part of the outline of perfect health and perfect beauty in five easy-to-understand paragraphs, starting from the conclusion.

What is the definition of "perfect health"?

What is the state of perfect health? It is very simple. There are eight things you need to know, but you already know five or six of them, so you need to learn the other two or three. So you only need to learn the remaining two or three. That is, the level of understanding of the following eight logical matters: mindfulness, diet, exercise, utilization of self-healing ability, philosophy, environment, medicine, and practical ability (mind, food, movement, medical treatment, philosophy, ring, medicine, and action). In other words, a state in which the following five health conditions are fused together and kept in place through conscious control with increased health literacy of the individual. We define "perfect health" as a state in which two or more of the following have been achieved.

  1. To maintain the present moment at its best, and to achieve a score of 3 to 4 in the eight evaluation values of mind, food, movement, medical treatment, philosophy, ring, medicine, and conduct.
  2. All of the health values should be clearly better than they were a few years ago.
  3. Being able to make the age of 80 to the blissful state of the best working and active years of one's life. Or, the applicant must have sufficient confidence and proof of the current performance and the figures from medical examinations that he/she can be in the prime of life from the age of 80 years old.
  4. To be in good health to reach the age of 100 years old with youthful vigor both mentally and physically, and to be able to enjoy flying, jumping, and traveling abroad.
  5. To be able to live happily and young in mind and body at 120 years of age.

The scientific discovery of longevity by the world's top scientists in the field of aging research has shown that there is no aging gene. In other words, the corridor is a state of accumulation of some unhealthy causes in our lifestyle. Therefore, by eliminating the unhealthy causes, the corridor causes are simultaneously eliminated, and the result is the phenomenon of rejuvenation. This discovery became a valuable key word and led to the discovery that we can live to be 120 years younger. We must not waste this discovery. Let us never waste the healthy and happy life span that we have been given. Everyone has an obligation to demonstrate this by improving their own physical and mental health. Make a little effort not to waste your given life span and achieve the necessary health (if you exercise, at least 15 minutes a day is all you need! It is imperative to constantly create the health necessary to achieve and maintain youthfulness (with the use of self-initiated health restoration and rejuvenation therapies such as 1M exercise). In other words, we define "perfect health" and "perfect health building" as the proof that one can ultimately live to be 120 years young in this way. We are here to help you stay young, happy, and healthy.


We wish you to stay young, happy, and healthy forever. May your skin shine more radiantly, and if you have a chronic disease, may it be cured completely by natural healing power. To restore your health and to keep you healthy and young both mentally and physically... We are pleased to offer you Perfect Health Sustainable Integration. Please take a look.

Make the best of the moment! The best time to work is when you are 80 years old.

The human body is fully equipped with the ability to completely heal itself by improving its most excellent constitution. It is the ability of self-purification treatment for beautiful slimming, rejuvenation, beautiful skin, health restoration, and good fortune.

True Healing Medicine" is based on the concept of fusion with modern medicine and science, and aims to create a life of health, beauty, abundance, harmony, and bliss for all people, both physically and mentally. It is a comprehensive natural therapy based on "natural providence" and "self-healing and self-purifying abilities," and considers health, slimming, rejuvenation, and good fortune from the eight perspectives of "mind, food, movement, therapy, philosophy, ring, medicine, and action. As scientifically proven, the human body has the ability to restore fundamental health, create true health, slim beautifully, rejuvenate, and improve fortune through the best mind-body treatment and constitutional improvement. We hope that by communicating this truth in an easy-to-understand way to everyone and through its self-utilization, you will be able to create the best health of your life, even at the age of 80, and be able to proudly say that "80 is the best age to start working".


The origin of the human body's 13.7 billion years

Our true health creation will be much more confident and effective if we think in terms of our connection with the universe! The mother womb of life is the universe!

4 billion years
The human body, the gift of the universe

For us
the universe is the mother body!

The Universe, which can be thought of as infinite. If we trace our human mother body, it is the earth 4 billion years ago, and beyond that is the universe leading to the solar system, galaxies, first stars, and the big bang. If any one of these were missing, we could not have come into being. We are here today because we have been supported and helped by so many things that are mind-boggling and miraculous.

You already have
all eight of these abilities.

The eight basic elements of "mind," "food," "movement," "medicine," "health care," "philosophy," "ring," "medical care," and "conduct" are essential for true "perfect health" of body and mind to extend healthy life span and make life more fulfilling and happy. The reason is that even if one of these eight elements is missing, the balance of our health will be disrupted and our state of health will become unbalanced. True health promotion for us human beings cannot be achieved by saying that we only need to take care of our food, that it is enough. To maintain good health, we also need a joyful and happy environment and moderate exercise; even if one of the eight elements is missing, the likelihood of various health problems increases, and the quality of our health declines and we begin to complain of ill health.

However, by learning the eight in balance, we can create true health that does not require medication. Not only will you experience health and rejuvenation, but you will also be able to create a life that is healthy, beautiful, rich, harmonious, and blissful in body and mind.


Who created your human body?

 Your human body is
all created by you!

Your genetic age is 4 billion years old. You are a hero who has evolved by overcoming the unbelievably long and harsh environment and by transforming and recording the lessons of your experiences.

You have mastered beauty, strength, wisdom, the power of life, and the ability to restore health, rejuvenation, and beauty. All of these abilities are your true strength.

The basis of the theory of true healing medicine is based on the unshakable belief that "the DNA (genes) of the self, which was a single cell in the womb, created the entire human body in 10 months, and therefore, those who have the ability to create are naturally in the best condition and have the ability to create perfect health.


Definition of Sickness (1-3)
The opposite of health is not sickness!

True Healing Medicine divides illness into three types. Please refer to the "Three Classifications of Ailments" chart.

True Healing Medicine defines "the opposite of health is not necessarily disease. The opposite of health is ill health, and ill chi is the self-purifying ability to eliminate the cause of ill health and to heal oneself to return to health. Self-purifying therapeutic action as a manifestation of this effective ability to restore health is the cat. 1 (category 1) of the three categories of disease (self-health restoration and purification action). This view of medicine is based on the 2,500-year-old Hippocratic view of medicine. Yoshiaki Fukuda (currently president), founder of the NPO Japan Natural Healing Power Research Association, studied the complete works of Hippocrates 60 years ago. He synthesized his own experience, the health recovery experiences of many people, and many scientific discoveries to create the "Natural Healing Power View of Medicine.

Therefore, the cause of ill health can be eliminated, health can be restored from an unhealthy state, and true health can be attained through the use of sick chi, which is a health-restoring action and a self-purifying treatment. Sickness Ki is an effective function of health recovery, self-treatment, and self-purification.

Advocacy of Sustainable Perfect Beautiful Health

Sustainable Perfect Beautiful Health is a concept of "sustainable health creation. We know that in Europe, furniture, stone houses, and other items are passed down from grandfather to father and then to grandchildren for generations to come, taking good care of them as long as they are usable. We do not want to use disposable products, but to protect the original state of our beautiful earth, and by extension, to protect a safe and secure future for mankind. We must eliminate loss in all aspects and create sustainable health and society in all aspects.

A doctor who has seen many patients writes in his book, "Why Japan gets unhappier the older it gets!" wrote in his book. As described in this article on the front page, there is a clear demonstration that the original life expectancy of a person based on scientific discoveries is 120 years, which is young enough to live. The reality, however, is that not only are cancers and major illnesses increasing so dramatically that we have to spend very high medical costs, but almost every other disease and affliction is increasing as well. The number of people suffering from cancer and serious illness repeatedly, and the number of people with dementia and bedridden patients is by far the highest in the world. The reality is that most people are spending the weekend of their lives suffering from illness. The gap between healthy life expectancy or average life expectancy and reality is 40 to 50 years. It is one of our great duties and missions to improve this situation and to create a sustainable Perfect Beautiful Health, a way of health that allows people to live happily and young for 120 years of their lives, as proven by science. It is one of our great duties and missions to create sustainable and beautiful health.

The age of living 120 years younger
Even after 100 years of life
jumping up and down

Obesity and lifestyle-related diseases, which have come to be collectively referred to as metabolic syndrome, are the leading cause of mortality today. It is said to be the most dreaded disease, but it is almost impossible to cure unless you cure yourself. For this reason, we are promoting the "Jisso-style Comprehensive Natural Healing Method," which utilizes the "self-healing ability (natural healing power)" that the human body naturally possesses.

The "Jisso-style Comprehensive Natural Healing Method" is a health regimen that restores your own health from the eight aspects of mind, food, movement, medical treatment, philosophy, ring, medicine, and action, and at the same time restores and maintains your youthful beauty and healthy slim figure.

It has been said since ancient times that "sickness begins with the mind. That may be true. However, even if you know this, it is not always so easy to switch your mindset to a positive one. From the standpoint of the disease validity theory, "ill-health comes from the mind," and as this phrase expresses, there is a very close relationship between health and the way we have our minds. Changes in mental state caused by the way we have our mind and how we perceive things affect our physical body, which in turn affects our state of health. In other words, as "mind and body are one and the same," the mind and body are basically the same. If the state of mind is good, the state of health is good; if the state of mind is bad, the state of health is bad.

For example, many people have experienced that stress makes them tired easily, their hair falls out, and they catch colds easily. It is now known that negative thoughts caused by high levels of stress affect the autonomic nervous system, which in turn reduces the activity of the digestive organs and lowers the immune system.

The old superstitious belief that "bad health (illness) starts from the mind" has been proven by modern medicine and science.

How do you feel? Did you start to salivate? This is the most familiar and easy-to-understand example of how thoughts of pickled plums and lemons stimulate the brain to secrete a substance called "saliva," i.e., the materialization of thoughts.

Have you ever heard of "Horu-katsu"?

The power that makes the words "fool power" and "if you do it, it will happen" true are the substances and hormones in the brain and endocrine system. Furthermore, various hormones such as myokine and other special medicines, which have immediate effects but no side effects, are gifts from the human body (living organism) that have been acquired in the process of evolution over the past 4 billion years. The most effective use of these hormones is "Horu-katsu".

Science has discovered and demonstrated this mysterious substance in the body and how to secrete and control it well.

The human body produces various substances such as hormones and digestive juices to sustain life. At first glance, it may seem that the human body operates completely independently of our will, but in fact, it is surprisingly greatly influenced by our "thoughts.

Kelly McGonigal (Kelly McGonigal: Health Psychologist/USA) proposes a new way of thinking that stress has efficacy. But she has been teaching as a health psychologist for the past 10+ years that stress is the enemy of health and the cause of all disease. The results of an eight-year follow-up study of 30,000 people across the United States changed her mind. It is not that stress itself is bad for the body. It is believing that stress is bad for you that is bad for you. We will introduce the results of that research and highlight the beneficial aspects of stress as proven by Harvard University regarding stress hormones and other factors.

Why is stress beneficial? Stress is a great help for people who are experiencing stress so great that they cannot overcome it, and it can turn their lives around. Many people have achieved a life so brilliant and happy that they could not help but feel as if they were dreaming of a jumping photo dream. This is because the human body releases (extracts) a special medicine, which can be called "various special remedies for overcoming and turning things around," when it encounters excessive stress. It has been scientifically proven that when a person is seriously injured to the point of death, morphine, steroids, and other medicines are extracted from the human body, which not only saves his/her life but also quickly heals the broken bones, making them thicker and stronger than before. In the same way, it has been scientifically proven that although there is pain, when it heals, the body and mind become stronger than before.

Food is an excellent remedy.

For example, medicine is written as "enjoy the grass and become at ease". In other words, grass is vegetables.

Many vegetables in their natural state have substances that have anti-cancer properties, and many foods have the ability to promote bowel movements and diuresis, and to make the blood healthy and smooth. They work to cure lifestyle-related diseases and chronic diseases, including arteriosclerosis, and to fundamentally improve our constitutions. Isn't this alone a wonderful therapeutic effect?


Modern medicine is essential and best for disability. I also think it is important to have the necessary medical examinations.

However, many medical errors caused by medical checkups are reported and published in weekly magazines, books, and on YouTube. It is true that the number of people who have suffered damage from medical checkups has increased dramatically.

Therefore, easy medical checkups cannot be considered a good thing. We hope that you will undergo medical checkups as necessary, at your own risk and with an awareness of the above.

If you think you have a cold, but you feel more than the general symptoms of a cold, a checkup is especially necessary. For example, if your constitution has deteriorated to an extreme degree, you may be suffering from some kind of disorder. If in doubt, a medical checkup is mandatory as soon as possible.

In the event of a disorder, it is obviously imperative to seek medical care as soon as possible. Even if you cannot clearly determine whether it is a case of a cold or a disability and are a little confused, you should get a diagnosis from modern medicine as soon as possible.

Medical checkups are essential.

Studies have shown over the years that many people overestimate their abilities.

Many studies and data have scientifically shown that people who believe in natural healing do not get medical checkups, and that most people overestimate their own health status. It is possible that a disorder may be developing, and an early medical checkup is needed if unusual symptoms develop, rather than just a general cold or fatigue.

It is very dangerous to leave it untreated. In particular, it is easy to overconfidently believe that you are under stress and not be aware of it or that you are fine. In such cases, hindrances or disorders in the human body

However, persistent stress can be very dangerous. For example, the body undergoes a large amount of stress even when it is a joyous occasion such as a celebration. Even if there are no symptoms at that time, arteriosclerosis or high blood sugar may have developed.

Arteriosclerosis is a kind of disorder in the view of true healing medicine. If it worsens, it can cause irreversible and irreversible stroke or myocardial infarction, which can lead to disability or even death.

Please be very careful."

With the spread of 5G and web3, a different way of emergency services is expected. 5G will enable us to quickly grasp the situation at the scene and provide appropriate advice and remote support smoothly and accurately through the improvement of image transmission technology.

In addition, blockchain technology will enable quick access to patient medical record information from anywhere, making it possible to immediately determine the hospital that will accept the patient at the scene of an emergency. It will not be long before many lives will be saved by such technological innovations.

We become healthy because we do disease!

In other words, it is only when you generate disease and chi that the cause of your ill health is removed and treated, and you become healthy. Indeed, the underlying concept of "True Healing Medicine" is "Sickness Ki Theory of Efficacy," which is the basis of the concept of health restoration, beautiful slimming, and rejuvenation. However, long-held beliefs may not easily lead to a full understanding of the theory, so we hope that you will gradually experience it and become convinced by the facts.

The number of people suffering from cancer, diabetes, and other lifestyle-related diseases, metabolic syndrome, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, stroke, and all other diseases and disorders continues to increase. Symptomatic treatment may seem to be curative because it can temporarily suppress the disease, but in the end, the disease is prolonged and the patient becomes severely ill, repeatedly in and out of the hospital, or suffers from a different type of illness or disability and dies in agony while being medicated. In modern medicine, especially when a disease is prolonged, the amount of medicine and its side effects increase, and even if the patient appears to have recovered temporarily, he or she cannot be completely cured fundamentally.

On the other hand, "true healing medicine" has many advantages, such as the patient's positive wish to utilize his or her own healing power through natural healing, and to cure the disease completely by himself or herself, and to live a long life with better health and youth than before the illness.




※セロトニン・オキシトシン・メラトニンなどの幸せホル モンや熟睡ホルモンがドバーと出て効果バツグンです。






  1. 幸せホルモン(セロトニン・オキシトシン、その他多数)が出るので嫌なことを全部忘れてすぐに熟睡できる
  2. 適度に痩せて、脂肪が減って筋肉がつく
  3. 腸の働きが最高になる(免疫力をアップ・腸内フローラを整える」)
  4. 鼻のつまりが治り快適になる
  5. 健康寿命の延伸
  6. 転倒防止で寝たきりを防ぐ
  7. 若返り体力アップ、その他多数のメリット
  8. 記憶力の増進





We should not easily attack disease as an enemy.

If such a conviction can be obtained, we should never ignore it, but should of course actively try and experience it for ourselves. You know how scary the side effects of drugs can be. However, many people are too caught up in common sense and are using drugs with ease. I believe that they are causing damage to their body and mind because of this.

Modern medicine is attacking the autonomous purifying action called "disease chi," which is useful for health restoration and rejuvenation. What about the current situation? Not only are these people not getting better, they are gradually getting worse! As a result, they eventually become severely disabled and demented, and pass away, increasingly drugged in the hospital. This is the general pattern. If possible, I would like you to understand "true healing medicine" and practice the eight "Jisso-style comprehensive natural therapies" of "mind, food, movement, treatment, philosophy, ring, medicine, and action" to regain your fundamental health and create a healthy body and mind that does not need any medical treatment, even if it is a little painful. This is the most effective, fast, and easy way to regain your physical condition and health, as well as your youthful beauty.

Symptomatic treatment creates a defect!

Defects are most often caused not only by traffic accidents and other accidents, but also by the gradual progression of lifestyle-related diseases, chronic diseases, and intractable diseases, which eventually lead to disability. According to an announcement by Gunma Prefecture (front page of Jomo Shimbun, October 27, 2009), there have been more than 700 cases of serious medical errors in the prefecture alone this year, the worst ever. In the U.S., the number of deaths from medical disorders based on the side effects of drugs has surpassed that of cancer as the leading cause of death, with 800,000 deaths per year. The number of people who are disabled, if not dead, is thought to be immeasurably higher.

Japan ranks first in the world in terms of the number of people who become bedridden due to disability caused by the gradual worsening of symptoms caused by years of symptomatic treatment, side effects of medication, and the aging process, even though they receive medical care and treatment.

We publish this monthly newsletter.

  • Please take a look at the front page of our monthly newsletter.
  • We also offer health consultation and other services. Only for the above members and participants in the Web Salon.

I have already given you a general conclusion, but let me go on to explain in a little more detail. Our muscles produce various kinds of wonderful substances in the human body (organism), such as immune system, autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, memory-enhancing and rejuvenating hormones, and more than 100 other substances in the body that can be considered as special medicines for restoring both physical and mental health. Our muscles produce homeostasis and autophagy, as well as fever and inflammation. The human body has a seemingly infinite number of functions that are far beyond our imagination, including homeostasis, autophagy, fever, inflammation, vomiting, diarrhea, and many other beneficial functions for health and longevity, which are being scientifically discovered one after another every day throughout the world.

If we were to list all of these scientific discoveries, there would be hundreds of encyclopedias that would not be able to cover them all.

These discoveries have, of course, radically changed our health and life design. What we can clearly see is "how to live 120 years younger and healthier, both physically and mentally. The fact is that the current healthy life expectancy is in the 70s for both men and women, and if we are able to live to 120 years young, it will extend the number of years we can be active and healthy by about 40 to 50 years, calculated from our current healthy life expectancy.

In our lives, we have acquired a variety of skills, qualities, and human capacities that have matured from our past experiences, and we can say the following: "Life begins to work at age 80. Life begins to work at the age of 80,

Self-purifying medical abilities.
Origin of our genesis!

How many years ago do our genetic roots go back?

The correct answer is "4 billion years ago" when life was first created on earth. As human beings, our genes have survived for 7 million years and have overcome the harsh environment of nature. In the process of survival, several superb abilities were discovered that made survival a priority and a top priority above all else. One of them is the ability to maintain health and youth, and another is the ability to restore health, rejuvenate, and live a long and healthy life. Homeostasis is the most commonly known of the three. The most amazing ability is the "autonomous healing ability" (autonomous health restoration and rejuvenation ability).

Since survival has always been the top priority for life, the autonomous healing ability has been constantly improved, and superlative health restoration, rejuvenation, and longevity genes and other abilities have been created. It is thought that the supreme development has been achieved to a realm that is praised as a mystery immeasurable by human knowledge. For life, for genes, living is the most important and essential issue, and therefore, in order to break through any harsh environment, the ability to self-purify is thought to have evolved to a realm far beyond our comprehension.

Your genes
have come
through 4 billion years
of life
without ever dying.

What is the autonomic purifying

Autonomous Purifying Action is a state (symptom) in which the autonomous purifying power begins to work actively. If we overexert ourselves or continue to lead unhealthy lifestyles, such as eating too much or eating too much food, our autonomic nervous system will be disturbed and our constitutions will deteriorate, making us tired, lacking concentration, and prone to accidents. In addition, when the risk of physical and mental damage due to disorders, high blood pressure, and arteriosclerosis increases, the body's autonomic cleansing ability begins to work actively to avoid such risks.

By understanding the autonomic healing ability and its effects, we can better understand "why the human body (organism) has the world's most excellent ability to restore health, rejuvenate, and create happiness, which is said to be the strongest in the world? This is why the human body (organism) has the world's most excellent ability to restore health, rejuvenate, and create happiness, which is said to be the strongest in the world. Autonomous Purifying Power" is inherent in everyone from birth, and everyone is capable of demonstrating the strongest Autonomous Purifying Power and Autonomous Purifying Action for health restoration and rejuvenation.

Then, why do people catch a cold or suffer from various illnesses and serious diseases? And why do they not exhibit the ability to restore and rejuvenate their health?

If we trace your genetic roots, we find that you are a prokaryote, and that you experienced and overcame a number of severe events, and that you evolved from one evolutionary event to the next, and that is how you are here today, and that is how we are kept alive.

Far beyond the galaxy...

Humanity is now being kept alive in the space of the universe, which is an enormous macro space of 13.7 billion light-years. Here, there is the benevolent Mother Nature that governs all the operations of the universe and gave birth to and nurtured all things, and at the same time, there are the same natural principles and universal laws (truths) that forged and evolved these creatures.

However, what lies at the foundation of this severity is the love of absolute consciousness of the infinitely large macrocosm, which has become "the ability to restore health, rejuvenate, and create happiness" and is working through our body and mind. It is an abyssal wisdom of the universe that cannot be measured by human wisdom. We, human beings, who are alive and thriving in this way today, have recorded in our DNA the experience and the power of our survival over the course of 4 billion years. We should be convinced that this great power is our own ability, an ability that we can utilize. We should always be healthy, young, happy, and radiant, without serious illness, because of this great power of our own.

However, that radiance has been contaminated and severely damaged by our thinking, orientation, and mental and physical bodies. Our original radiance is blocked by the physical cloudiness caused by food additives and medicinal poisons, and depending on the degree and quality of the cloudiness that accumulates, it takes many different forms, such as disease, poverty, strife, and difficulty, and manifests itself in different ways in different people.

For example, taking sickness as an example, it can be divided into three categories. As an overview, category one is sickness (cat.1), and at the same time, it refers to self-purifying actions. ( true healing Shinyu Medicine "3 Categories of Sickness" definition)

Improving Lifestyle
A better routine is important.

Our daily state of mind, food, exercise, and sleep are important factors in maintaining good health. If we live our lives in conformity with the natural order of things, we can maintain good health.

A better routine is extremely easy, effortless and simple. It takes as little as one minute (1Mexecsise) and can be practiced anytime, anywhere. The human body has the world's greatest ability to restore health, rejuvenation, longevity, and happiness, but if you continue to live an unhealthy lifestyle, your blood flow will slow down, your blood will become polluted, and you will develop an unhealthy constitution. As the unhealthy constitution progresses further, the constitution becomes worse and worse, increasing the probability of damaging any part of the body with small or large defects.

However, when the body accumulates unhealthy causes to a certain degree, it tries to avoid damage such as defects and activates the autonomous cleansing and healing ability that it originally possesses in order to cleanse itself of these unhealthy causes and recover its health.

This activated state is the autonomic cleansing treatment, which is an effective action to restore health fundamentally before any damage is caused by the most excellent fundamental constitutional improvement action called "sick chi (self-purifying treatment)" (cat. 1). The human body is inputted and systematized so that self-purifying power can work autonomously and actively as needed. This is the function of "natural healing power as autonomous purifying power and sustainable perfect beautiful health.

Philosophy and Objectives (Outline)

Vision & Mission

A giant leap toward medicine in the 23rd century

Aiming to realize a world without disease

Healthy and beautiful in mind and body
Leap over the thick wall of healthy life expectancy of 70s
Live a blissful 120 years younger!

We will do our best to create both physical and mental health, and contribute to society by creating true health through complete and radical cure and by extending healthy life expectancy, utilizing the experience and research we have cultivated through our 60 years of activities to promote natural healing power. To acquire positive methods of physical and mental health that anyone can enjoy and easily sustain anywhere, without any restrictions, in order to live to 120 years young.

It is a perfect health program that can be done as effortlessly in your 80s as it is by people in their 30s. Practicing daily lifestyle habits for health restoration rejuvenation and happiness creation that can be done easily and joyfully throughout life. Improvement of daily lifestyle with joy. It is to turn around the 8 aspects of "mind, food, movement, medical treatment, ring, medicine, and action. The goal of our association is to achieve the "Declaration of No Major Cancer Diseases" and realize a world without disease. To this end, we aim to "create a happy life and world that is healthy in mind and body, beautiful, rich, harmonious, and full of bliss. We have decided to call this phrase "health, beauty, and harmony" for short. In a nutshell, it means creating a "healthy, beautiful, and prosperous life" for all people. We also aim to create a world where people of good health, beauty, and harmony gather together, in other words, to "build a world of good health, beauty, and harmony.

We believe that the desire to create such a world will nurture and refine the aspirations in the hearts of each individual, and that the "healthy, beautiful, and harmonious life" of those who have such aspirations will take shape in the real world.

First of all, we wish for the realization of a "healthy, beautiful, and harmonious life" for our families, people around us, and ourselves, and we practice it with love, starting with what we can do. Only through the desire for altruism and the desire to give and give will we be able to achieve our wishes efficiently, and at the same time, we will be able to do more and more every day, and our days themselves will become happier and more enjoyable.

We live in a world of wonderful "natural order" laws. We will share this thought with many people through the promotion of SDGs and the use of DAOs by mapping thinking.

  • To make the best of the present moment, to help people stay young and healthy throughout their lives, and to help them create a happy and prosperous life.
  • We are committed to building health and youth from the age of 80 years old.
  • We want people to be able to enjoy flying, splashing, and traveling overseas even after they live to be over 100 years old.
  • Cancer and Major Diseases zero Zero and the construction of a world where there are no illnesses and no suffering, but a world filled with bliss.
  • Creating an era in which people can live to 120 years of age in good health and youthfulness.
  • Scientific discoveries have led to the birth of a self-created medical therapy that allows people to safely and easily fully utilize the human body's ultimate health restoration and rejuvenation abilities on their own!

A World Without Illness and Suffering with 23rd Century Medicine
Why is that so?

This is because it has been scientifically discovered and proven that the human body has the best mechanism for rejuvenation and the ability to completely heal, and that there is a special medicine to create quality best health and youthfulness!

Therefore, we can create our own perfect health at the highest level by ourselves.

So why is there an abundance of disease and suffering?

Unfortunately, modern medicine does not take advantage of our ability to restore and rejuvenate ourselves to our best health by easily attacking and destroying our ability to heal ourselves with drugs (symptomatic treatment in modern medicine).

Scientific discoveries have demonstrated that we are inherently capable of living 120 years younger. We also know that there is no aging gene! But what about the reality: 1 in 2 people suffer from cancer, are bedridden, suffer from dementia, have various disabilities, and are afflicted with various illnesses. There is a cruel and miserable "thick wall" that stands in the way of such a painful and insurmountable life.

This wall suddenly appears in institutions in the 70s and 80s, crashing down on 98% of people! Health, youth, and life are destroyed. The golden years of life fall into the depths of suffering. To summarize the most significant cause of this wall, it is: "It is all about not realizing the ability of your own human body (organism) to restore and rejuvenate your health, which is by far the best. If we knew this, we would be able to create a life of work from the age of 80, and be able to fly and jump even beyond 100 years of life.

What is the cruel and tragic barrier that cannot be overcome?

It is the invisible barrier that 98% or more of people are unaware of because it has become a long-standing social norm and common sense. As science has proven, the human body is equipped with a self-healing ability to restore and rejuvenate health, both physically and mentally, that is said to be the best in the world and a mystery, but when this self-healing ability becomes active, we attack it with drugs, and although we do not really intend to attack it, we end up destroying its self-healing ability. But in the end, they are destroying their ability to heal themselves. The reason why they are attacking it is because they mistake it for a terrible disease when it begins to self-treat. Once the human body's superior and ultimate "self-healing" ability is destroyed, of course, the human body will develop many painful defects, and then various kinds of disorders will surely develop. Therefore, as many as 98% or more of people will crash into this wall and be forced into this abominable situation sooner or later.

Parents and grandparents worry and say, "Hi! Let's take our medicine!" and hospital visits, daycare, elementary school, and work. Eventually, decades of implications. All of this is a thick wall.

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A Big Jump to 23rd Century Medicine

Aiming for a Disease-Free World

Healthy in mind and body
Building a blissful life and world

The goal is to create a blissful, happy life and world that is healthy in mind and body, beautiful, rich, harmonious, and full of bliss. This state of being can be simply expressed in a few words: "health, beauty, and harmony.

Our goal is to create such a "life of health, beauty, and harmony" and "a world where people of health, beauty, and harmony gather (a world of health, beauty, and harmony). The desire to create such a world will nurture aspirations in the hearts of each individual, which will surely take shape in the real world.

First of all, let us pray for the realization of a "healthy, beautiful, and fulfilling life" not only for ourselves, but also for our families and those around us. We cannot help but be grateful that we are alive and thriving in this wonderful world of the law of "natural providence" where our own "life of health, beauty, and harmony" is created at the same time through such thoughts of altruism, give and give. We will share and share this thought with many people through the use of Mapping Thinking, DAO, etc. and make it come true.

Achievement of the "Declaration of Zero Cancer and Major Diseases" and
"Creation of a World without Disease and Suffering"!

The rich discoveries and achievements of the functions of the human body (living organism) by scientists scattered around the world to restore health, rejuvenate the body, and create happiness. Scientifically, there is enough evidence that we can surely achieve this by utilizing the ability of the human body to restore health, rejuvenate, and create happiness, which is a great leap forward to the 23rd century medicine. It is essential to compile and effectively utilize the data from the world's scientific discoveries, which are dispersed throughout the world. Research by natural healing medicine and the spread of natural healing... Read more

After 60 years of research and development, we finally have a clear vision of the solution to the problem. How can we achieve our goal of "creating a life that is healthy, beautiful, rich, harmonious, blissful, and fulfilling in body and mind?

A beautiful galactic universe. The earth as the mother womb that created the diversity of all life forms and us human beings. Nature, which nurtures animals brimming with life force, is full of beautiful creative energy. The discovery of genes through life science research, Through the research and discovery of our genes by life science, it has been scientifically elucidated that we humans can live to be 120 years young and healthy. Our genes have evolved to survive and evolve for over 40 million years without dying, overcoming harsh environments time and again, and have achieved the following amazing results.

The human body (living organism) is complete with only 2% of its genes

That the human body (living organism) is created entirely using only 2% of genes. That there was no aging gene. It was discovered that everyone has 200 different genius genes that can be used to create 200 different kinds of genius abilities. The human body (living organism) has been unintentionally marveled at and even praised as a mystery by scientists and people around the world through many scientific discoveries. Now, almost the entire picture of the human body, including the most recent discoveries, can be easily viewed on a large screen as a three-dimensional image using a special microscope that utilizes 8K. Using a smartphone or device, you can view the images on demand, wherever you are, whenever you want. (NHK-BS1, search for "Human Body Series: Mysterious Giant Network" in 7 volumes and many more).

The real images of the living organism, an area that was impossible to see before, and that could not even be imagined. It is now possible to see the whole picture of the human body (living organism) in a vivid and vivid way. And yet, scientists unanimously say, "We have only begun to understand a small part of the human body! How amazing! How amazing!

However, we now have enough evidence to prove that the human body has the ability to restore health, rejuvenate, and create happiness. Even as we are doing this, somewhere in the world, more wonderful realities of the human body (living organism) will be discovered and proven. More than ever before, the facts that astonish everyone will be communicated to many people, understood, and utilized for their benefit. More and more people will be able to enjoy a life of "health, beauty, and harmony. And the discovery of the most mysterious and superlative functions and the unfolding of a spectacular panorama of the human body (living organism) will be vividly displayed before our eyes.

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